Honorable Dee Primeaux

Justice of the Peace and City of Carlin Municipal Judge
Judge Primeaux (Burton-Primeaux) is a resident of the City of Carlin and has worked as a court clerk at Carlin Justice/Municipal Court for the last 15 years.
Judge Primeaux moved to Gallagher Fish Hatchery, Ruby Valley, Elko County, Nevada in April 1989 with her family and lived there for 18 years. Her son attended Ruby Valley School through 8th grade and graduated from Elko High School in 2004 and is currently serving in the United States Air Force. In June 2006 Judge Primeaux bought a home in Carlin. Judge Barbara Nethery of Carlin Justice/Municipal Court hired Dee Burton as the Municipal Court Clerk October 18, 2006. Then on March 31, 2008, Dee Burton was promoted to the Carlin Justice Court Clerk under Judge Feasel. In 2016 Judge Primeaux married and moved to Elko for 5 years but continued to work in Carlin at the Court and continued to be a part of the Carlin community (teaching art classes, attending and participating in Carlin Events). In June of 2021 Dee Primeaux moved back to Carlin and bought a home as she has a great love of the City of Carlin and the Community.
Through the years working at Carlin Justice/Municipal Court gave Judge Primeaux unique qualifications when seeking the appointment of Justice of the Peace of Carlin Township.
Bringing 15 years’ experience in case management for criminal, civil and traffic case types from the initial filing to final disposition. Skilled in case processing, scheduling, record maintenance, reconciling financial accounts and disbursements, and being in the courtroom supporting the current Judge, Attorneys, Defendants, and staff.
On December 1, 2021, the Elko County Commissioners selected Judge Primeaux to fill the vacancy in Carlin Justice Court, which was created when Judge Teri Feasel announced her retirement. Judge Primeaux was sworn in on January 3, 2022 and has been the Carlin Justice of the Peace & Municipal Judge since. Judge Primeaux was elected on November 8, 2022, to retain the position of Carlin Township, Justice of the Peace and Municipal Judge.